Sep 3, 2012

Writing Construct Proposal — Revision

The construct I will be researching is the idea that there are rules to writing. These “rules” are often set forth as guidelines or best practices, but become institutional and later regarded as strict rules. In this respect, the rules proposed by styleguides such as Strunk & White's The Element's of Style aren't much different from institutional themes such as the five-paragraph essay. The two merely operate at different levels: one at the sentence level; the other at the organizational. In the case of both, however, “proper” seems to disappear or become flimsy at more advanced levels; however, the way both are insisted upon at lower levels can cause indoctrination and discourage good writing (or writing at all) at higher levels.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel,
    Great topic. There is some good writing about the Elements of Style. Its influence and the critiques of it could be the basis of a paper. But there is stuff on more contemporary handbooks too. EOS is old but its influence is still pervasive.

    Keep in mind that the argument for rules is based on a kind of formalism and this is based on an ideology and a rhetoric of sorts. In comp studies it has been referred to by some as 'current-traditional." See Faigley, Berlin (especially) for analysis of this as an ideology.

    You might want to look into the more rhetorical and social perspectives that are often offered as a better way.

