Sep 3, 2012

My revised topic proposal

Jennifer Pullen

Albert Rouzie

Teaching College English

Project 1 topic proposal


After doing some research, I’ve decided that focusing on organizational differences amongst cultures isn’t quite the writing construct I want to focus on. Instead, I would like to delve into the idea of linear organization in academic papers. Most of the cultural differences I’ve discovered in my research revolve around non-linear writing, but there is also a lot of research about non-linear organizational patterns in general. I found a particularly interesting article by Peter Elbow which addresses that subject; so, I want to investigate the concept of the linear, thesis based argument in academia, and if, in American education, there are viable alternatives.


  1. JP,
    Fascinating. This will take you quickly into electronic realms. See Lanham; Wysocki; and material on hypertext (Bolter's Writing Space) and more recent stuff (Jody Shipka, B HawK, Jeff Rice. Sirc). See also Winston Weathers (pre-computer).

